Opportunity expired
Genpact is a global professional services firm that makes business transformation real. Genpact works and supports businesses solves problems, and delivers ideas that help make significant and worthwhile modifications for their betterment.
The company encourages and empowers people to acquire new skills and receive learning opportunities and quality training while reinventing themselves to suit the changing needs of the world around them.
The annual salary for this role can range from INR 2.5 to 3.5 LPA (Source: Ambition Box). They provide the following benefits.
Genpact is committed to enhancing the skills and competencies as well as the personal growth and development of its employees. Performance management is a critical area for Genpact, and they invest in planning each employee’s career and aligning his or her goals with larger organizational goals. When every goal an employee is appraised on is linked to a bigger organizational goal, accountability, and ownership are driven on the job every single day.
Work days are usually from Monday to Friday with flexible work timings. This role is considered flexible and will be a mix of working from the office and home depending on your preferences and the arrangements determined by your future manager.
The firm believes that it drives the necessary change to make a difference. It comprises diverse roles, offers, and people. It is a great place to learn and grow. The work environment is cordial and overall fulfilling.
Minimum Qualifications
Preferred Qualifications
50,000 - 100,000 employees
Business Process Outsourcing
Genpact, which stands for Generating Global Impact, is an international firm that provides services and solutions to industries globally and assists them in transforming and upgrading.