Opportunity expired
In this role, you would be responsible for all the activities related to general accounting.
If you join as a full-time employee, you will have access to the following:
To know more, watch this video:
At Genpact, they are committed to a culture of continuous learning. Their advanced learning ecosystems are crafted to offer employees exceptional, personalized training experiences. With access to world-class programs and targeted skill-building opportunities, they support their team members in acquiring new skills and adapting to industry changes. They empower individuals to reinvent themselves and grow professionally, ensuring they have the tools and resources needed for both personal and career advancement.
Genpact offers more than just employment; it provides a rich, enduring learning journey. Employees benefit from well-defined career advancement opportunities, allowing them to set personal goals and work towards promotions or transitions into specialized roles. The company supports continuous development with tailored learning experiences and clear pathways for growth, ensuring that newcomers and seasoned professionals alike can advance their careers and achieve their aspirations.
The following sources were used in researching this page:
50,000 - 100,000 employees
Business Process Outsourcing
Genpact, which stands for Generating Global Impact, is an international firm that provides services and solutions to industries globally and assists them in transforming and upgrading.