Opportunity expired
Genpact is a global professional services firm that makes business transformation real. Genpact works and supports businesses solves problems, and delivers ideas that help make significant and worthwhile modifications for their betterment.
The resource would be working towards supporting the Security Operations Function for a Client.
Genpact has developed learning ecosystems designed to offer top-tier learning opportunities, tailored to provide employees with a personalized learning journey. This includes world-class training programs and skill-building opportunities. Genpact actively promotes and empowers individuals to acquire new skills, access quality training, and reinvent themselves to meet the evolving demands of the world.
The average salary of a process associate at Genpact India is 1,80,000 per year.
In addition to competitive salary other benefits include:
Genpact prioritizes its employees' skill development and personal growth. Performance management is a key focus, with a strong emphasis on career planning and aligning individual goals with the organization's broader objectives. By connecting each employee's goals to larger organizational objectives, Genpact fosters daily accountability and ownership in the workplace.
Genpact India prioritizes work-life balance and values employee well-being. They provide a supportive environment for effective management of both professional and personal aspects of life. This is facilitated through flexible work arrangements, wellness programs, and initiatives aimed at promoting work-life harmony, ultimately fostering a positive and healthy work culture.
Genpact India cultivates a vibrant and inclusive organizational culture. The company fosters a dynamic and collaborative vibe that encourages innovation, learning, and growth. Genpact India values diversity and embraces a sense of belonging for all employees, creating a positive and motivating atmosphere where individuals are empowered to excel and contribute to the company's success.
Minimum Qualifications
Preferred Qualifications
To apply for this role, just click on the "Apply on employer site" button below, which navigates to the career page where the application can be submitted directly.
The hiring process involves:
The following sources were used in researching this page:
50,000 - 100,000 employees
Business Process Outsourcing
Genpact, which stands for Generating Global Impact, is an international firm that provides services and solutions to industries globally and assists them in transforming and upgrading.