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Income Tax Department

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Income Tax Department Graduate Programs & Internships

  • Government & Public Service

What it does: Main responsibility of the IT Department is to enforce various direct tax laws, the most important among these being the Income-tax Act, of 1961, to collect revenue for the Government of India. 

Vision: The vision of the Income Tax Department (ITD) is to be a partner in the nation-building process through progressive tax policy, efficient and effective tax administration and improved voluntary compliance. This will be achieved by enabling a policy environment and augmenting the revenue mobilisation apparatus for optimum revenue collection under the law while maintaining taxpayer confidence in the system.


  • To formulate progressive tax policies
  • To make compliance easy
  • To enforce tax laws with fairness
  • To deliver quality services
  • To continuously upgrade skills and build a professional and motivated workforce

Size and presence: Over 46,000 employees across India.

The Income Tax Department story

It is a matter of general belief that taxes on income and wealth are of recent origin but there is enough evidence to show that taxes on income in some form or the other were levied even in primitive and ancient communities. The origin of the word "Tax" is from "Taxation" which means an estimate. These were levied either on the sale and purchase of merchandise or livestock and were collected in a haphazard manner from time to time. Nearly 2000 years ago, there went out a decree from Ceaser Augustus that all the world should be taxed. In Greece, Germany and Roman Empires, taxes were also levied sometime on the basis of turnover and sometimes on occupations. For many centuries, revenue from taxes went to the Monarch. In Northern England, taxes were levied on land and on the moveable property such as the Saladin title in 1188. Later on, these were supplemented by the introduction of poll taxes, and indirect taxes known as "Ancient Customs" which were duties on wool, leather and hides. These levies and taxes in various forms and on various commodities and professions were imposed to meet the needs of the Governments to meet their military and civil expenditure and not only to ensure safety to the subjects but also to meet the common needs of the citizens like maintenance of roads, administration of justice and such other functions of the State.

In India, the system of direct taxation as it is known today has been in force in one form or another even from ancient times. There are references both in Manu Smriti and Arthasastra to a variety of tax measures. Manu, the ancient sage and law-giver stated that the king could levy taxes, according to Sastras. The wise sage advised that taxes should be related to the income and expenditure of the subject. He, however, cautioned the king against excessive taxation and stated that both extremes should be avoided namely either complete absence of taxes or exorbitant taxation. According to him, the king should arrange the collection of taxes in such a manner that the subjects did not feel the pinch of paying taxes. He laid down that traders and artisans should pay 1/5th of their profits in silver and gold, while the agriculturists were to pay 1/6th, 1/8th and 1/10th of their produce depending upon their circumstances. The detailed analysis is given by Manu on the subject clearly shows the existence of a well-planned taxation system, even in ancient times. Not only this but taxes were also levied on various classes of people like actors, dancers, singers and even dancing girls. Taxes were paid in the shape of gold coins, cattle, grains, raw materials and also by rendering personal service.

Jobs & Opportunities

Locations With Jobs & Opportunities
  • India, New Delhi
Hiring candidates with qualifications in
Business & Management
Creative Arts
Engineering & Mathematics
Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences
IT & Computer Science
Law, Legal Studies & Justice
Medical & Health Sciences
Property & Built Environment
Teaching & Education