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International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS)

  • 100 - 500 employees

International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) Graduate Programs & Internships

  • R&D and Manufacturing

IMPRS takes an interdisciplinary approach to integrate these different research areas to provide a multidisciplinary PhD program. IMPRS acts as a platform to encourage better networking and scientific exchange as an integral part of our doctoral training. In addition to high-level scientific training in a top-class research environment, the IMPRS-LS offers a comprehensive curriculum of further training and activities. The curricular program covers a wide array of transferable skills and includes multi-step career mentoring, specifically aimed at preparing our doctoral students for the challenges of a professional career on the global market, whether that be in academia, industry, or beyond.

With around 160 current students and 60 faculty members, the IMPRS-LS here in Munich is one of the largest International Max Planck Research Schools in Germany. Whilst the research school has expanded substantially in the last decade, we aim to maintain a close relationship with our students and the familiar atmosphere which characterizes our program.

The IMPRS-LS is operated by the MPI of Biochemistry and the MPI of Neurobiology but also works in close collaboration with the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) and the Technische Universität München (TUM). Our students are either based at one of the MPIs or conduct their research at one of our partner universities. IMPRS-LS is proud to work with the LMU and TUM, which consistently rank amongst the best universities in Germany.

Recruitment Process

How does the selection process work?

In order to identify the most promising candidates, faculty members of the research school and the coordination office participate in a multistep selection procedure as outlined below. In general, applicants will be evaluated based on their academic qualification, aptitude for research, achievements, motivation, scientific background and letters of recommendation.

a) First round of selection:

Complete applications will be reviewed after the deadline of application and the first round of selection will be carried out. During the review process, we may give you a ring or arrange a skype interview to further discuss your application, your interests and your future plans.

b) Second round of selection:

Applicants that successfully have passed the first round of selection will be reviewed thoroughly and independently by three faculty members of the research school. Your application will likely be reviewed by faculty members that you have listed in your preference list or by faculty members working in your favourite research field. During the review process, we may give you a ring or arrange a skype interview to further discuss with you your application, your interests and your future plans.

c) Subsequent selection steps:

The most promising candidates will be invited to participate in subsequent selection steps. Due to the COVID 19 pandemic, those will be conducted using online tools. Invited candidates will have a panel interview with the selection committee and individual interviews with faculty members of the research school (i.e. potential supervisors).

To get accepted to the school candidates need to
a) perform well in the panel interview and
b) establish a match with a supervisor who will offer the candidate a position in his/her group.

Please note that candidates that fulfil both criteria, will be invited to Munich, to visit the future supervisor and his/her team. IMPRS-LS will cover travel expenses and accommodation for the trip to Munich.

d) Final decision:

The selection committee will finally approve the established matches between candidates and supervisors and will accept those candidates to the IMPRS-LS. Accepted students may start their research project anytime between March 01 and October 01 (with prior consultation of the supervisor). The official start of the program is October 01 each year.

e) Verification of international degrees:

Academic degrees issued in foreign countries will have to be approved by the admissions and registration office of the university that will award the doctoral degree (normally either Ludwig Maximilian University Munich or Technical University Munich). The coordination office will assist accepted students in these procedures.

Jobs & Opportunities

Locations With Jobs & Opportunities
  • Martinsried/Munich, Bavaria
Hiring candidates with qualifications in
IT & Computer Science
Medical & Health Sciences