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Indian Institute of Patent and Trademark

  • < 100 employees

Indian Institute of Patent and Trademark Graduate Programs & Internships

  • Law

We help you extract relevant business intelligence from patent data. We create reports with competitive intelligence data which can put you ahead of the technology curve. We run various workshops, online and classroom intellectual property courses specializing in patent law, patent drafting, trademark law, copyright protection, IP finance, music law, fashion law, etc. Our efforts in creating awareness about IP are also recognized by WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization). We also have a monthly magazine “IP and Business” which is a great resource for the IP industry. Because of our continuous efforts, IIPTA is awarded by various national and international organizations. Our efforts in creating awareness about IP, have been recognized by FICCI, CII, IIT Delhi, and many renowned universities.

Whether you’re looking for new product trends or competitive analysis of an existing or emerging market, IIPTA has the best patent research offerings at affordable prices. Our platform can help you protect your trademark or patent across 100 countries around the world. We help professionals from various backgrounds in law, science, finance to build careers in intellectual property.

Jobs & Opportunities

Locations With Jobs & Opportunities
  • India, Delhi
Hiring candidates with qualifications in
Business & Management
Creative Arts
Engineering & Mathematics
Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences
IT & Computer Science
Law, Legal Studies & Justice
Medical & Health Sciences
Property & Built Environment
Teaching & Education
Current Jobs & Opportunities

Graduate Job

Multiple locations
Work in a place where you can thrive and talk about tough conversations that you typically wouldn’t feel comfortable talking about at other companies.
INR 500,000 - 600,000 / Year

Graduate Job

Be responsible for planning, developing and implementing the content strategy, and collaborate with departments to create innovative content.