Updating Results

Genpact India

  • 50,000 - 100,000 employees

Genpact India Past Graduate Jobs & Opportunities

Graduate Job or Program

Genpact is designed for dynamic thinkers and doers like you. Join them and change the world through innovation.
INR 270,000 - 380,000

Prosple salary estimate

Apprenticeship or Traineeship

Genpact India is hiring for the role of Management Trainee - Recruitment.

Graduate Job or Program

Genpact India is hiring for the role of Management Trainee - Procurement.

Graduate Job or Program

Hanamkonda, Jodphur, Lucknow, Madurai, Noida
Genpact India is hiring a Process Associate in Accounts Payable. They seek detail-oriented candidates for finance roles. Interested applicants should apply now!