Updating Results

Genpact India

  • 50,000 - 100,000 employees

Genpact India Past Graduate Jobs & Opportunities

Graduate Job or Program

India, Bangalore
Inviting applications for the role of Data Hierarchy Analyst, Master Data Management!

Graduate Job or Program

Genpact is designed for dynamic thinkers and doers like you. Join them and they’ll help you deliver high-impact, real-world outcomes.
INR 200,000 - 380,000

Prosple salary estimate

Graduate Job or Program

Genpact is designed for dynamic thinkers and doers like you. Join them and change the world through innovation.
INR 150,000 - 260,000

Prosple salary estimate

Graduate Job or Program

India, Jaipur
Genpact is hiring for the role of Jr. IT Recruiter.

Graduate Job or Program

With a startup spirit and courageous minds, they have the expertise to go deep with the world’s biggest brands, Join Genpact.
INR 300,000 - 680,000

Prosple salary estimate

Graduate Job or Program

We are inviting applications for the role of Assistant Manager, Supply Chain Management

Graduate Job or Program

India, Bangalore
Genpact is hiring for the role of Business Analyst - Master Data Management.

Graduate Job or Program

Genpact will help you build your own intellectual firepower. Welcome to the relentless pursuit of better.
INR 250,000 - 350,000

Prosple salary estimate

Graduate Job or Program

Genpact is hiring for the role of Management Trainee – Automation Anywhere Support Developer.

Graduate Job or Program

Genpact will help you build your intellectual firepower. Welcome to the relentless pursuit of better.
INR 300,000 - 500,000

Prosple estimates salary based on multiple source

Graduate Job or Program

Embark on your career path with Genpact to gain invaluable practical experience and propel your professional growth.

Graduate Job or Program

Join Genpact as a Process Associate in Accounts Payable, handling vendor invoices and ensuring timely payments.